Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Family Court Social Services

The Superior Court of the District of Columbia’s Family Court Social Services Division (CSSD) is the District’s juvenile probation agency. FCSSD is responsible for serving and supervising juveniles involved in the “front-end” of the District’s juvenile justice system. Those juveniles include: all newly arrested youth entering the Court system in juvenile delinquency cases, Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) cases and truancy cases, probation and diversion matters.


This includes Signature Case Management, Services, and Supervision.

The Delinquency Prevention Unit uses GPS tracking to provide real-time monitoring/surveillance of juveniles to ensure they are following Court-ordered conditions to stay away from areas where they may have been associated with criminal offenses or individuals and to comply with Court-ordered curfews.

Staff at these offices receive complaints from the police, screen cases, communicate with the Office of the DC Attorney General and the defense attorney representing the juvenile, and make representations to the judge in Court.

The Child Guidance Clinic's core function is to provide Family Court with information derived from the clinic's court ordered forensic psychological evaluations. Click here to see information about the predoctoral psychology internship.

The Family Court Social Services Division Pre- and Post- Supervision Branches are made up of Region I and Region II. Both regions are responsible for providing supervision for youth from the beginning of their case until the case is closed.

The Family Court operates a specialized Behavioral Health Court including three different tracks.




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Family Court Social Services Division

Moultrie Courthouse
JM-600, 500 Indiana Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

General Information

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Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Telephone Numbers

Interim Director: Tamira Roberson
202-508-1900 tamira.roberson [at] (tamira[dot]roberson[at]dcsc[dot]gov)

Deputy Director: Camille Tucker
202-508-1900 camille.tucker [at] (camille[dot]tucker[at]dcsc[dot]gov)

Assistant Deputy Director, Intake & Delinquency
Prevention (Acting):
Roland Williams

Assistant Deputy Director Region I, Pre and
Post Supervision:
Terri Odom

Assistant Deputy Director Region II, Pre and
Post Supervision:
Robert Bacon

Acting Chief Psychologist Child Guidance Clinic:
Dr. Katara Watkins-Laws