Judges host dialogue with community about public safety issues and the criminal justice system
WHAT: Town Hall meeting
WHERE: Kelly Miller Middle School 301 49th Street NE
WHEN: Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
WHO: Superior Court Chief Judge Rufus G. King III
East of the River Community Court Presiding Judge Ann Keary
DC/Traffic Community Court Presiding Judge Michael McCarthy
Deputy Presiding Judge of Family Court Judge William Jackson,
Community Court Coordinator Michael Francis
….along with representatives from US Attorneys Office, DC Office of the Attorney General, Metropolitan Police Department, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, Pretrial Services Agency, the Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
At the meeting residents can learn about the Superior Court's two Community Courts and discuss how the Community Courts and the community - working together - can make positive changes in DC neighborhoods. The East of the River Community Court and the DC Misdemeanor and Traffic Community Court use a problem solving approach to sanction the criminal behavior of defendants and address defendants' underlying social services needs. The forum will also provide people an opportunity to express to judges and other government officials comments, concerns, and questions that they may have about the criminal justice system, the Community Courts, public safety, crime and quality of life issues.