Drop-in center in SE hopes to be first of several in new approach to youth on probation
WHAT: Grand Opening – Greater Southeast Drop In Center
(The Balanced and Restorative Justice Drop In Center)
WHERE: 1110 V Street, SE
WHEN: Monday, February 12, 3pm
WHO: Senator Mary Landrieu Mayor Adrian Fenty
Council Chair Vince Gray
Councilmember Marion Barry
Chief Judge Rufus G. King III
Family Court Presiding Judge Anita Josey-Herring
Terri Odom, Director, Court Social Services Division
Inspector Lillian Overton, Metropolitan Police Department
Paul Quander, Director, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
The Balanced and Restorative Justice Drop-In Center is a multi-faceted facility, including a satellite probation supervision office. East of the River youth who are pre-trial or are facing probation revocation will be able to take advantage of a number of pro-social activities including: tutoring, mentoring, education and prevention groups, peer mediation, recreation, and field trips. Refreshments will be provided and the Center will also host a satellite courtroom. The Center will be open Monday through Saturday and will serve court-supervised youth and their families.