Executive Office
Pursuant to DC Code Section 11-1703, the Executive Officer, is responsible for the administration and day-to-day management of the District of Columbia Courts, including: court operations, human capital management and compensation, budget, court records, procurement, and building and space management. Responsibility for day-to-day matters in the Court of Appeals and the Superior Court is delegated to the Clerks of Court. The Executive Officer also serves as secretary to the Joint Committee on Judicial Administration.
The Executive Officer is assisted by a Deputy Executive Officer, who also oversees the nine divisions of the Court System that provide support to both the Court of Appeals and the Superior Court.
The Court System is comprised of the following divisions and offices:
- Access to Justice Unit
- Administrative Services
- Budget and Finance
- Capital Projects and Facilities Management
- Center for Education and Training
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Court Reporting
- General Counsel's Office
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Strategic Management Division
The Executive Office also manages the DC Courts security program, media and public relations, intergovernmental affairs, communications, and internal financial and program audits.