Wheelchair Accessibility
All DC Courts buildings are wheelchair accessible and some buildings have multiple accessible entrances for use by members of the general public.
Historic Courthouse430 E Street, NW
Entrance is at 430 E Street, NW

Moultrie Courthouse
500 Indiana Avenue, NW All entrances are accessible and they are located at:
500 Indiana Avenue, NW, main entrance - court security staff can assist if needed.

The John Marshall Plaza/Family Court entrance and exit on the east side of the courthouse. Wheelchair accessible from C Street only due to the steps on the Indiana Avenue side of the plaza.
Court Building A
515 Fifth Street, NW
Main entrance is on 5th street.
Accessible entrances are on the E and F Street sides of the building.
Court Building B
510 Fourth Street, NW
Main entrance is on 4th Street.
Accessible entrance is on F Street side of the building.
Court Building C
410 E Street, NW
The accessible entrance is located on the E Street side of the courthouse adjacent to (and under) the steps to the public entrance. An alternate accessible entrance is located on the Indiana Avenue (or south) side which may be more convenient for persons coming from the Moultrie Courthouse.
Gallery Place Offices
616 H Street, NW, Sixth Floor
Accessible entrance is on Seventh Street side of the building.