District Court SealFamily Court Seal

Superior Court of the District of Columbia Family Court 9th Annual Multidisciplinary Training Institute October 21, 2010

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Educating, Empowering and Transforming Lives



Locked Out - Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth

Investing to Improve the Well-Being of Vulnerable Youth and Young Adults - Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Memorandum of Agreement - Between OSSE, DYRS & DCPS

Summary of Memorandum of Agreement - Between OSSE, DYRS & DCPS

Reentry Education Framework - Guidelines for Providing High-Quality Education for Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Residential Facilities - ISSUE BRIEF

Utilizing Prosecutorial Discretion to Reduce the Number of Juveniles with Disabilities in the Juvenile Justice System- Mary Willis

A Blueprint for Youth Justice Reform - Youth Transition Funders Group

Educational Justice - Barriers to Achievement and Higher Education for Youth in California Juvenile Court Schools

Breaking Schools' Rules - A Statewide Study of How School Discipline Relates to Students' Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement

Addressing Childhood Trauma in DC Schools - Children's Law Center

Notice of Language Assistance - Dear Colleague Letter on the Nondiscriminatory Administration of School Discipline

District Discipline - The Overuse of School Suspension and Expulsion in the District of Columbia

Just Learning - The Imperative to Transform Juvenile Justice Systems Into Effective Educational Systems
Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities - National Council of Disability

Report on the Evaluation of Judicially Led Responses to Eliminate School Pathways to the Juvenile Justice System - National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Improving Educational Opportunities for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System - SNAPSHOT

Reducing Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions in District of Columbia Public and Public Charter Schools - Office of the Superintendent of Education

Sticker Shock - Calculating the Full Price Tag for Youth Incarceration

Transformation through Accommodation - Reforming Juvenile Justice by Recognizing and Responding to Trauma

The High Cost of Harsh Discipline and Its Disparate Impact - The Center for Civil Rights Remedies

Justice for Juveniles - Youth Recommendations to Improve Educational Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Education and Interagency Collaboration: A Lifeline for Justice-Involved Youth - Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy Center for Juvenile Justice Reform
