Locked Out - Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth |
Investing to Improve the
Well-Being of Vulnerable
Youth and Young Adults - Recommendations for Policy and Practice |
Memorandum of Agreement - Between OSSE, DYRS & DCPS |
Summary of Memorandum of Agreement - Between OSSE, DYRS & DCPS |
Reentry Education Framework - Guidelines for Providing High-Quality Education for
Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System |
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Residential Facilities - ISSUE BRIEF |
Utilizing Prosecutorial Discretion to Reduce the
Number of Juveniles with Disabilities in the
Juvenile Justice System- Mary Willis |
A Blueprint for Youth Justice Reform - Youth Transition Funders Group |
Educational Justice - Barriers to Achievement and Higher Education
for Youth in California Juvenile Court Schools |
Breaking Schools' Rules - A Statewide Study of How School Discipline Relates to Students' Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement |
Addressing Childhood Trauma in DC Schools - Children's Law Center |
Notice of Language Assistance - Dear Colleague Letter on the
Nondiscriminatory Administration of School Discipline |
District Discipline - The Overuse of School Suspension and Expulsion in the District of Columbia |
Just Learning - The Imperative to Transform Juvenile Justice
Systems Into Effective Educational Systems |
Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities - National Council of Disability |
Report on the Evaluation of Judicially Led Responses to Eliminate School Pathways to the Juvenile Justice System - National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges |
Improving Educational Opportunities for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System - SNAPSHOT |
Reducing Out-of-School
Suspensions and
Expulsions in District of
Columbia Public and
Public Charter Schools - Office of the Superintendent of Education |
Sticker Shock - Calculating the Full Price Tag for Youth Incarceration |
Transformation through Accommodation - Reforming Juvenile Justice by Recognizing and Responding to Trauma |
The High Cost of Harsh Discipline and Its Disparate Impact - The Center for Civil Rights Remedies |
Justice for Juveniles - Youth Recommendations to Improve Educational Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System |
Education and Interagency Collaboration:
A Lifeline for Justice-Involved Youth - Georgetown University
McCourt School of Public Policy
Center for Juvenile Justice Reform |