Workshop Links

2:00 p.m.— 3:15 p.m. Workshops, Group 1 |
Focus on Trauma |
Room 207 |
A- Focus on Trauma in the District of Columbia Public Schools |
Presenter: Deitra Bryant-Mallory, M.A., L.I.C.S.W., Director of School Mental Health
District of Columbia Public Schools
Diana Bruce, Director of Health and Wellness, District of Columbia Public School
District of Columbia Public Schools has recognized the importance of mental health as a precursor to optimal learning. As such, there has been an investment in the human resources dedicated to school mental health work and increasing availability of services that address the cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral repercussions of trauma. In this session, participants will learn about how D.C. Public Schools is addressing this need and the evidence-based treatment options available in all
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Trauma and Suicide: |
Room 207B |
B - Trauma and Suicide: Important Considerations for the Children and Adolescents We Serve
Sherry Davis Molock, Ph.D., M.Div., Associate Professor of Psychology,
The George Washington University
Jamie Argento Rodriguez, J.D.,
Chief, Community Defender Division
Public Defender Service of the District of Columbia
Often times the traumatic experiences that result in Family Court involvement lead the children and adolescents involved to contemplate and attempt suicide. This session will provide insight into the unique needs of these young people, so that Family Court professionals can properly identify the risks and fashion strategies to support the District’s youth while preventing suicide. This discussion will be led by Sherry Davis Molock, Ph.D., a local expert in depression, suicidal behaviors and suicide prevention for African Americans.
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The Cost of Secondary Trauma: |
Room 206 |
C - The Cost of Secondary Trauma: Managing Responses to Helping Children and Families
Presenter: Phillip Lucas, D.S.W., L.I.C.S.W., L.C.S.W., A.C.S.W.,
Founder and Consultant, Trainer, and Psychotherapist Clinical Administrative Services and Training (CAST), PLLC
Jennifer Snow, Probation Officer
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
This session will focus on identifying and recognizing secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma. We will examine the impact that receiving repeated messages and hearing stories related to traumatic events has on human responses of those working with children and families. Members of the court, health, behavioral health and child welfare professionals are all faced with devastating realities sometimes too difficult to walk away from at the end of the day. The effect lingers. Consideration will be given to how multiple and complicated traumatic events experienced in a worker’s life will affect helping. What conditions make the helper at risk for vicarious trauma? Professional impairment related to responding to trauma will be explored. This session will provide strategies for self-care and protective measures important for those working with children and families in need.
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3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Workshops, Group 2 |
Trauma Informed |
Room 207A |
D - Trauma Informed Legal Advocacy
with the Adult System |
Betsy Biben, L.I.C.S.W.,
Chief of the Office of Rehabilitation and Development
Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
Jennifer Masi, J.D.,
Supervising Attorney Children’s Law Center
Tyra Moore, L.I.C.S.W.,
Senior Clinical Social Worker
Children’s Law Center
Amy Phillips, J.D., Trial Attorney
Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
Nancy Drane, J.D., C.W.L.S.,
Pro Bono Director Children’s Law Center
Jamie Argento Rodriguez, J.D.,
Chief, Community Defender Division Public Defender Service of the District of Columbia
This workshop will address how advocates for court-involved youth can better understand the impact of their past trauma, and how appropriate advocacy strategies can help promote a successful transition to adulthood. It will help lawyers and others understand how to better work with severely traumatized youth who are involved in the family court system.
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De-escalating |
Room 207C |
E - De-escalating Victims of Trauma |
Michelle Dodge, J.D., M.S.W., President
JMD Counseling and Therapeutic Services, L.L.C.
Stephanie Wilson, M.D., Medical Director
Urgent Care Clinic, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Wilma A. Brier, J.D.,
Counsel for Child Abuse and Neglect Office
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
In this session the participant will learn how to recognize the signs of escalating behavior and understand the way in which victims of trauma may respond differently in a situation. The participant will then be provided with information on how best to communicate and respond in various stages of agitation to maintain safety and effectively de-escalate the person. Discussion and participation will be encouraged to practice the techniques learned.
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Resource |
Room 206 |
F - Resource Toolbox |
Nancy Drane, J.D., Training Director
Children’s Law Center
Darrell Hale, J.D
Acting Director, Crime Victims Compensation Program
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Loral Patchen, M.A., M.S.N, Ph.D., C.N.M.,
Director of Section of Midwifery and
Executive Director
Teen Alliance for Prepared Parenting Program, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Kristen Pisani-Jacques, J.D.,
Senior Supervising Attorney
Children’s Law Center
Jose de Arteaga, J.D., Program Manager
District of Columbia Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services
This breakout session will inform attendees about the nuts and bolts of obtaining various trauma informed services available in the Washington D.C. area and the most effective way to access those resources. Representatives from area organizations will provide detailed information about the types of services that are available and different sources of referrals, funding and/or access to these services for populations that attendees serve in various types of Family Court cases.
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Conference Adjourns
Have a Great Day!! |