Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs


The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts. These decisions are published in print and on the DCCA website. They are binding precedent, which means they can be cited as supporting authority in other cases.


The court issues a Memorandum Opinion and Judgment (MOJ) in cases where the decision does not create new law, decide an issue of continuing public interest, or interpret a statute or concept that has yet to be reviewed. The decisions are issued by the panel (per curiam), not under the name of an individual judge. They are not published, and except as permitted by Appellate Rule 28(g), they may not be cited as supporting authority in other cases. For that reason, the court only lists online the names and case numbers of MOJs that have been issued. If a party or other interested person believes that a specific MOJ should be published, the party or interested person may file a motion to publish no later than 30 days after the MOJ issues.

Appeal Number Case Date Disposition Judge
02-AA-1137 Richard C. Bartel v. DC Board of Elections and Ethics. Oct 24, 2002
02-BG-297 In re: John Doyle Greenwald. Oct 24, 2002
01-AA-544 Kelly v. DC Department of Employment Services Oct 23, 2002 Affirmed none
01-CM-762 Murray v. US Oct 23, 2002 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
01-CV-1388 Montgomery v. HUD Federal Credit Union Oct 23, 2002 Affirmed Long
00-CM-1659 Nettles v. US Oct 23, 2002 Affirmed Milliken
00-CO-1314 Jenkins v. US Oct 23, 2002 Affirmed Davis
01-FS-1525 In re: K.A.F. Oct 22, 2002 Affirmed Burnett
00-CM-76 Williams v. US Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Campbell
01-CM-909 Flores v. US Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Diaz
00-SP-1353 Bey v. US Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Murphy
01-AA-776 Cruz v. DC Police & Firefighters Retirement and Relief Board Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed none
01-CO-1294 Lora v. United States Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Bush
00-SP-310 James v. US Parole Commission Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Webber
01-CF-977 Oliver v. US Oct 21, 2002 Affirmed Retchin
01-CV-454+ LaPrade v. Leslie Oct 18, 2002 Affirmed Burgess
98-CF-1068+ Fogg v. US Oct 18, 2002 Affirmed Rankin
99-CV-812 Toni Herbert, Personal Representative of the Estate of Dawon Herbert, Deceased, v. District of Columbia. Oct 17, 2002
98-FS-876 In re: G.G. Oct 16, 2002 Affirmed Bayly
01-AA-856 Ealley v. DC Department of Employment Services & WMATA Oct 15, 2002 Affirmed n/a
02-BG-222 "In re Phyllis J. Baron ." Oct 10, 2002
00-CF-1570 Paul Coles v. United States. Oct 10, 2002
01-SP-584 Steele v. US Parole Commission Oct 10, 2002 Affirmed Hamilton
01-CV-951 Richard C. Boulton v. Institute of International Education. Oct 10, 2002
02-BG-496 In re Patrick H. McCarthy. Oct 10, 2002
01-SP-685 Allen R. Taylor v. Odie Washington. Oct 10, 2002
02-BG-929 "In re Richard L. Fields ." Oct 10, 2002
01-AA-259 Michael R. Cather v. District of Columbia Department of Employment Services and United States Elevator & Reliance Insurance Co. Oct 10, 2002
99-CM-789 Sandwick v. US Oct 09, 2002 Affirmed Bayly
01-CV-1067 Griffin v. Williams Oct 08, 2002 Affirmed Mize
01-CO-1466 Alexander v. US Oct 08, 2002 Affirmed Walton
99-CV-1011 WMATA v. Loving Oct 08, 2002 Affirmed Diaz
00-CM-701 Smith v. US Oct 07, 2002 Affirmed Morrison
00-CV-848, 00-CV-1536 Gloria Carter v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. and State Farm and Casualty Co., State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Venus Tindle, et. al. Oct 03, 2002
00-BG-552 In re: Lucy R. Edwards. Oct 03, 2002
00-CO-1454 Watts v. US Oct 02, 2002 Affirmed Retchin
99-FS-1405+ In re: J.T. Oct 02, 2002 Affirmed Broderick
00-FS-871 In re: D.E.L. Oct 02, 2002 Affirmed Puig-Lugo
00-SP-633 Willis v. US Oct 02, 2002 Affirmed Wolf
97-CF-667 Perry v. US Oct 01, 2002 Affirmed Webber
98-CF-1067+ Windsor v. US Oct 01, 2002 Remanded/Affirmed Weisberg
99-CM-1275 Leak v. US Oct 01, 2002 Affirmed Campbell
99-AA-1183 Bonds v. DC Police and Firefighters Retirement and Relief Board Sep 30, 2002 Affirmed n/a
99-FS-843 In re J.W., C.S. Sep 26, 2002
01-AA-982 Jacques Abadie III, Chief Procurement Officer v. Organization for Environmental Gnodeth, Inc. Sep 26, 2002
01-BG-921 In re Marshall E. Lippman. Sep 26, 2002
01-CV-27 Fred Mashack, t/a Mashack Iron Works v. Superior Management Services, Inc. Sep 26, 2002
97-CF-1671, 99-CO-1130 Nath E. Welch v. United States. Sep 26, 2002
99-CF-852 Davis v. US Sep 26, 2002 Affirmed Weisburg
01-BG-1049 In re Alan G. Warner. Sep 26, 2002