Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Today’s Superior Court Cases
For All Hearings: Read your court notice carefully to see whether your hearing is in-person, remote, or hybrid, and whether the judge will be on the courtroom. Learn more about the different hearing types here.

For In-Person Hearings: Most courtrooms are in the Moultrie Courthouse, but cases are also heard in Building A or Building B. In those instances, the courtroom will be preceded by a letter indicating the building (e.g. B-53 is courtroom 53 in Building B; A-46 is courtroom 46 in Building A).

If you appear in-person for a remote hearing, you can participate at the courthouse.
Superior Court Cases as of
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ACOSTA DE BONILLA, ANA ROSA 2025-BCN-000060 Soltys, Darlene M 10:30 AM 100
COATES, TAI ANTIONETTE 2025-BCN-000061 Soltys, Darlene M 10:45 AM 100
DICKENS, LENORIS ALLEN 2025-BCN-000062 Soltys, Darlene M 11:00 AM 100
LUCENA OLIVER, LUZCAR NELILBERTH 2025-BCN-000064 Soltys, Darlene M 11:30 AM 100
MATINEZ SALAGADO, JUAN PABLO 2025-BCN-000058 Soltys, Darlene M 10:00 AM 100
MORENO VELASCO, ENRIQUE JUVENTINO 2025-BCN-000063 Soltys, Darlene M 11:15 AM 100
NATAREN SANCHEZ, ELVIR JAVIER 2025-BCN-000060 Soltys, Darlene M 10:30 AM 100
OWENS, STEPHANIE S 2025-BCN-000059 Soltys, Darlene M 10:15 AM 100
RIVAS CANIZALEZ, JHONATHAN ALI 2025-BCN-000064 Soltys, Darlene M 11:30 AM 100
RODRIGUEZ AVELAR, SAYURI MARLENE 2025-BCN-000063 Soltys, Darlene M 11:15 AM 100
WORKNEH, HILINA 2025-BCN-000065 Soltys, Darlene M 11:45 AM 100
MAKRIS, ALEXANDER 2024-DRB-001990 Noti, Adrienne 10:00 AM 102
MAKRIS, ALEXANDER 2024-DRB-003797 Noti, Adrienne 10:00 AM 102
SWEENEY, CAROLINE 2024-DRB-001990 Noti, Adrienne 10:00 AM 102
SWEENEY, CAROLINE 2024-DRB-003797 Noti, Adrienne 10:00 AM 102
ALSTON, RICKY TYRONE 2025-CMD-001566 Misdemeanor Cal 4 10:00 AM 111
BATTLE, ROY 2024-CTF-001534 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
BELL, LAITEN 2024-CMD-011079 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
BREVARD, KELVIN R 2024-CMD-009654 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
CAULEY, DION 2024-CMD-011475 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
CONNER, MARK M 2024-CMD-002099 Cordero, Laura A 10:00 AM 111
CURTIS, RENALDO MARCELLUS 2024-CMD-012421 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
EDLIN, ANTONIO FITZGERALD 2024-CDC-008033 Cordero, Laura A 10:30 AM 111
FIELDS, RAJE 2025-CMD-001995 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111
FORD, JERELL 2025-CMD-000339 Cordero, Laura A 09:30 AM 111