Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Legal Help

The DC Courts and community organizations have information and resources available for those who don’t have a lawyer to represent them. Please note:

  • This page provides access to legal information and resources, not legal advice.
  • Most links are to outside resources (not maintained by the DC Courts).



If a Case Has Been Filed Against Me


Case Types


Includes matters related to evictions, lease agreements, housing conditions and repairs, ownership and foreclosures, landlord’s rights and responsibilities.

Landlord and Tenant Matters
Housing Conditions Court
Housing Section of LawHelp/DC
Eviction Help
Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network - Free Legal Help (English & Spanish)
Eviction Diversion Program

Court Navigator Program


Small Claims

Small Claims (Filing a Case for $10,000 or Less)
Small Claims Resource Center Hotline – 202-849-3608
Court Navigator Program


For legal assistance navigating the District of Columbia juvenile and criminal justice systems, contact the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia.


See resources for those looking to represent themselves or in need of assistance in an appeals process.

Representing Yourself in an Appeal
Appellate Mediation



Mediation in Superior Court

The Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division (Multi-Door) helps parties resolve disputes in Superior Court through mediation and other types of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) online and in-person. Learn more about the division and their services here.

What is mediation? Learn more here.


Superior Court Self-Help Centers


Other Places to Get Help


Legal Service Providers for Those Seeking an Attorney or Legal Advice

Legal service providers are non-profit groups that help individuals who cannot afford a private attorney. They offer a range of legal services from information, advice, brief service and representation.


Low-cost Legal Services

Organization Description
DC Refers DC Refers is an online directory of experienced lawyers who are willing to represent clients of modest means for a reduced fee.
DC Affordable Law Firm (DCALF) DCALF helps DC residents who do not qualify for traditional forms of free legal aid and cannot afford costly legal representation.