Rule 1. Title and Scope of Rules; Definitions
Rule 2.1 Suspension of Rules
Rule 3. Appeal as of Right — How taken
Rule 4. Appeal as of Right — When taken
Rule 5. Appeals by Permission Pursuant to D.C. Code § 11-721 (d) (2001)
Rule 6. Appeals by Application Pursuant to D.C. Code § 11-721 © (2001) and § 17-301 (2001)
Rule 7. Bond for Costs on Appeal in a Civil Case
Rule 8. Stay or Injunction Pending Appeal
Rule 9. Release or Detention in a Criminal Case
Rule 10. The Record on Appeal
Rule 11. Transmission of the Record
Rule 12. Docketing the Appeal; Filing the Record; Sealing the Record
Rule 13. Dismissal of Appeal
Rule 14. Appeal Conferences
Rule 15. Review of Agency Orders
Rule 16. Record on Review
Rule 17. Filing of the Record
Rule 18. Stay Pending Review
Rule 19. Conditions Pending Appeal
Rule 20. Applicability of Other Rules
Rule 21. Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition, and Other Extraordinary Writs
Rule 22. Certification of Questions of Law
Rule 24. Waiver of Fees, Costs, or Security (In Forma Pauperis)
Rule 25. Filing and Service
Rule 25.1 Emergency and Expedited Cases
Rule 26. Computing and Extending Time
Rule 26.1. Corporate Disclosure Statement
Rule 29. Brief of an Amicus Curiae
Rule 30. Appendix to the Briefs
Rule 31. Serving and Filing Briefs
Rule 32. Form of Briefs, Appendices, and Other Papers
Rule 33. Calendaring of Cases
Rule 35. (Transferred to Rule 40.)
Rule 36. Entry of Judgment; Notice; Opinions
Rule 37. Interest on Judgment
Rule 40. Division Rehearing; En Banc Determination
Rule 41. Mandate: Contents; Issuance and Effective Date; Stay; Remand; Recall; and Disciplinary Matters
Rule 42. Appearance and Withdrawal of Attorneys Self-representation
Rule 43. Substitution of Parties
Rule 44. Challenges to Statutes of the United States or the District of Columbia
Rule 46. Admission to the Bar
Rule 46-A. Admission to the Bar Based on COVID-19 Emergency Examination Waiver
Rules 46 B. Temporary Admission to the Bar for Military Spouse Attorneys
Rule 48. Legal Assistance by Law Students
Rule 49. Unauthorized Practice of Law
Rule 50. Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia
Schedule of Fees and Costs