Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Today’s Superior Court Cases
For All Hearings: Read your court notice carefully to see whether your hearing is in-person, remote, or hybrid, and whether the judge will be on the courtroom. Learn more about the different hearing types here.

For In-Person Hearings: Most courtrooms are in the Moultrie Courthouse, but cases are also heard in Building A or Building B. In those instances, the courtroom will be preceded by a letter indicating the building (e.g. B-53 is courtroom 53 in Building B; A-46 is courtroom 46 in Building A).

If you appear in-person for a remote hearing, you can participate at the courthouse.
Superior Court Cases as of
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Party Case No Judge Time Courtroom
YATES, GARY R 2025-CMD-002346 Misdemeanor Cal 4 09:30 AM 111
BABALOLA, AYOTOMIWA O 2024-CMD-008937 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
BABALOLA, AYOTOMIWA O 2024-CMD-009105 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
BABALOLA, AYOTOMIWA O 2024-CMD-009797 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
BABALOLA, AYOTOMIWA O 2024-CMD-010711 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
BELL, JULIE 2025-CMD-001053 Misdemeanor Cal 3 11:00 AM 112
BROWN, MARK 2024-CMD-011699 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
BROWN, MARK 2025-CMD-002074 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
CHILDRESS, KANEISHA 2025-CMD-001429 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
CLARK, MICHAEL LOWZOE 2024-CMD-005388 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
CLARK, MICHAEL LOWZOE 2024-CMD-007624 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
DAVIS, XAVIS 2025-CMD-002023 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
ELLERBE, SHAUNITA 2025-CMD-000818 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
ELLERBE, SHAUNITA 2025-CMD-000889 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
FINLEY, RAJAH 2021-CMD-001454 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
FINLEY, RAJAH 2025-CMD-002323 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
FINLEY, RAJAH 2025-CMD-002324 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
FISHER, EVERETT 2024-CMD-008596 Fisher, Gerald I 09:30 AM 112
GHEBRAMEDHIN, SURAFIEL 2022-CMD-002746 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:00 AM 112
JOHNSON, BRIANNA 2024-CMD-010440 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:30 AM 112
JOHNSON, VIRIS S 2024-CMD-011501 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
JORDAN, MICHELLE 2024-CMD-002469 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
KOROMA, DAUSI 2023-CMD-009624 Misdemeanor Cal 3 09:30 AM 112
MCDANIEL, JAREAM 2024-CMD-010153 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:30 AM 112
NELSON, PAUL 2024-CMD-008385 Misdemeanor Cal 3 10:30 AM 112