DC Code, sec. 21-2060, as amended in October 2008, provides a presumption of depletion when the person or ward:Qualifies for federal SSI under Title XVI of the Social Security Act Qualifies for Medicaid or Medicaid expansion programs as allowed by federal, state, or local programs Qualifies for other means-tested public assistance programs as allowed by federal, state, or localrequirements including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Interim Disability AssistFood Stamps, and DC Healthcare Alliance Qualifies for federal disability benefitsH as been found to be unable to pay for habitation, care, or legal services by any branch of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia I f none of the above, the person or ward may establish by affidavit or other proof satisfactory to the Court the inability to pay any costs without substantial financial hardship to himself or herself or his or her family
Additional guidance is provided in the case annotations to the statutory provision. See In re Lizzie Mitchell, 121 WLR 541 (Super. Ct. 1993).
Subcategory (select)