Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs


The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts. These decisions are published in print and on the DCCA website. They are binding precedent, which means they can be cited as supporting authority in other cases.


The court issues a Memorandum Opinion and Judgment (MOJ) in cases where the decision does not create new law, decide an issue of continuing public interest, or interpret a statute or concept that has yet to be reviewed. The decisions are issued by the panel (per curiam), not under the name of an individual judge. They are not published, and except as permitted by Appellate Rule 28(g), they may not be cited as supporting authority in other cases. For that reason, the court only lists online the names and case numbers of MOJs that have been issued. If a party or other interested person believes that a specific MOJ should be published, the party or interested person may file a motion to publish no later than 30 days after the MOJ issues.

Appeal Number Case Date Disposition Judge
09-BG-307 In re Daniel Orci. Jul 02, 2009
08-CM-854 McBride v. US Jul 02, 2009 Affirmed E. Christian
08-CM-460 Dunlap v. US Jul 02, 2009 Affirmed Eilperin
05-CO-1580 Kelvin Saunders v. US Jul 02, 2009
07-CV-829 Price v. Omega Jul 01, 2009 Affirmed Fisher
05-CF-477 Majett v. US Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed/Remanded Leibovitz
04-CM-1480 Carter v. US Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed Iscoe
07-CM-1250 Garcia v. US Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed Bayly
07-CM-1171 Williams v. US Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed Bayly
08-AA-14 Middlebrooks v. WHC Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed
05-CF-1253 Vasquez v. US Jun 30, 2009 Affirmed Retchin
07-CM-1231 Williams v. US Jun 29, 2009 Affirmed/Remanded Rigsby
08-CM-594 Walker v. US Jun 29, 2009 Affirmed E. Christian
07-CF-1298 Russell v. US Jun 29, 2009 Affirmed Holeman
06-CF-1255+ Bnoden+ v. US Jun 29, 2009 Affirmed/Remanded Diaz
04-CV-1359+ Green Leaves Restaurant v. 617 H Str. Jun 25, 2009
06-CV-1071 Washington Teachers' Union, amended. Jun 25, 2009
08-BG-1160 In re Barry Downey. Jun 25, 2009
06-CF-1313 Thomas Green v. US Jun 25, 2009
00-CF-324+ Cuffey v. US Jun 25, 2009 Affirmed Keary
07-CF-382 Michael Teal v. US Jun 25, 2009
08-BG-29 In re Vincent Amberly. Jun 25, 2009
06-CF-595 Ricardo Cunningham v. US Jun 25, 2009
07-CV-562 Evelyn Aikman v. Louis Kanda. Jun 25, 2009
06-FS-1626 In re J.C., T.C. Jun 24, 2009 Vacated/Remanded McCabe/Campbell
06-CF-688 Easton v. US Jun 22, 2009 Affirmed Clark
08-AA-527 Williams v. St. John's Jun 22, 2009 Affirmed
06-CF-1499 Simms v. US Jun 22, 2009 Affirmed Dixon
07-CV-1268 Mickle v. Kaiser Jun 22, 2009 Affirmed Motley
07-PR-1049+ In re Sargent Estate Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed Burgess
08-CM-322 Jackson v. US Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed Keary
06-CV-64 Marilyn Bruno v. Western Union Financial. Jun 18, 2009
01-CF-1338 Narce v. US Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed/Remanded Retchin
07-CV-791 Regina Randolph v. ING Life. Jun 18, 2009
05-CV-1446 Marcus Scales v. DC Jun 18, 2009
03-CM-1543+ Randall v. US Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed Leibovitz
07-CF-589+ Edwards/Frazier v. US Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed Richter
07-AA-1377 Jones v. USDN Jun 18, 2009 Affirmed
08-CO-365 Kennedy v. US Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Richter
07-CV-1432 Scott Beauty v. Davis Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Bartnoff
06-FS-1287 In re J.M. v. DC Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Saddler
08-CO-663 Ross v. US Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Richter
08-CO-21 Kittrell v. US Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Cushenberry
07-CM-1170 Pagan v. US Jun 17, 2009 Affirmed Puig-Lugo
08-CF-662 Hunter v. US Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Cushenberry
07-CV-1358 Leftenant v. RISM Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Leibovitz
07-CF-590 Dudley v. US Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Cushenberry
08-CM-311 Holland v. US Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Satterfield
06-CF-1315 Silver v. US Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Rigsby/Reid-Winston
07-CF-933 Thompson-Bey v. US Jun 16, 2009 Affirmed Leibovitz