Please be advised that the DC Courts will Open at 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 due to inclement weather. More information.
The Domestic Violence Division adjudicates Civil and Criminal Domestic Violence matters. The division processes requests for Civil Protection Orders, Anti- Stalking Orders, and Extreme Risk Protection Orders. In addition, the division processes requests for emergency same-day civil orders. The Domestic Violence Division also adjudicates criminal domestic violence misdemeanors and violations of protection orders.
The Court also hosts the Domestic Violence Division operations include a coordinated response to domestic violence and partnership with criminal justice partners and victim services agencies. The wrap-around services are handled in intake centers located in throughout the city.
Presiding Judge: Hon. Elizabeth Carroll Wingo
Deputy Presiding Judge: Hon. Sean Staples
Moultrie Courthouse
500 Indiana Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 879-0157
Anacostia Professional Building
2041 Martin Luther King, Jr., SE, Suite 400,
Washington, DC 20020
(202) 879-1500
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
(In order to have a same day emergency civil hearing, filings must be received by Clerk’s Office by 3:00pm)
Rita Blandino, Director
(202) 879-0157