Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Last updated:
Chief Judge

On October 1, 2024, the Honorable Milton Lee begins his four-year term as Chief Judge of the Superior Court. He has served in the Criminal, Civil, and Domestic Violence Divisions as well as the Family Court.

Name Phone Calendar Courtroom Bio
Arthur, Errol R. (202) 879-1712 F 2 Cal. 5 302
Becker, Julie (202) 879-3397 Cal. 9, Cv 2 415
Brandt, Rainey, Presiding Judge, Criminal Division (202) 879-4788 F 1 Cal. 2/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 303
Briggs, Kendra Davis 202-879-2002 Juvenile / Adoptions / Break Seals/ Relinquishments Cal 2 JM-7
Christian, Erik P., Presiding Judge, Probate Division (202) 879-1760 Cal. 2 A-48
Cordero, Laura A. (202) 879-7870 Misdemeanor Cal. 4 111
Crane, Laura E. 202-879-8337 Domestic Relations II Cal. 6 JM-13
Crowell, James 879-1883 Juvenile/Adoptions/Break Seals/Relinquishments Cal. 1 JM-2
Dayson, Danya A., Deputy Presiding Judge, Criminal Division (202) 879-1640 F 1 Cal. 2/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 201
Demeo, Marisa (202) 879-0731 Domestic Relations II Cal 2 101
Di Toro, Jennifer A. (202) 879-1695 F 2 Cal. 12 215
Edelman, Todd E. (202) 879-0734 F 1 Cal. 1/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 233
Hertzfeld, Andrea 879-0766 F 2 Cal. 11 202
Higashi, Kelly, Deputy Presiding Judge, Family Court 879-0684 Mental Health/Birth Certificate & Name Change Cal. 2 JM-10
Irving, Alfred S. (202) 879-4815 Cv 1, Cal. 12 Cv 2 132
Iscoe, Craig (202) 879-7835 F 2 Drug Court (Monday, Wednesday, Friday); Cal.11 Mental Health Comm. Court (Tuesday, Thursday) 115
Israel, Deborah 879-1844 F 2 Cal. 10 317
Jones Bosier, Tanya 879-8397 Cal. 14 Cv 2 212
Knowles, Kimberley S. (202) 879-8750 Probate / Tax Cal. 1 A-50
Kravitz, Neal E. (202) 879-8353 F 1 Cal. 3/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 301
Lee, Chief Judge Milton C. (202) 879-0200 Grand Jury & Extraditions/Mental Competency 235
Leibovitz, Lynn (202) 879-0441 Misdemeanor Backup TBD
Matini, Shana Frost, Presiding Judge, Civil Division (202) 879-4622 Cal. 3 Cv 1 130
McCabe, John (202) 879-1246 Dom. Violence- Civil Cal 1 113
McKenna, Juliet (202) 879-0422 Dom. Violence Civ. Cal. 2 114
McLean, Carmen 879-1272 F 2 Cal. 6 217
Meek, Leslie A. 202-879-8301 Cal. 2 Cv 2 517
Nguyen, Danny Lam Domestic Relations II Calendar 7 116
Noti, Adrienne J. 202-879-0763 Domestic Relations II Cal 4 102
Okun, Robert (202) 879-4602 Cal. 6 Cv 2 518
Oler, Katherine E. Civil 2, Cal 5 318
O’Keefe, Michael, Deputy Presiding Judge, Probate Division (202) 879-4883 Cal. 4 A-51
Park, Jason 879-1885 F 1 Cal. 4/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 231
Pasichow, Heidi M. (202) 879-1472 F 2 Cal. 4 220
Pipe, Judith 879-4795 Felony 2, Cal 7 213
Pittman, Jonathan (202) 879-1920 Civil Division Backup/Warrant Duty Backup
Raffinan, Maribeth (202) 879-0131 Cal. 13 Cv 2 519
Rigsby, Robert R. (202) 879-4344 Misdemeanor Cal. 2 314
Ross, Carl Ezekiel 202-879-8363 Cal. 1 Cv 2 200
Ross, Maurice A. (202) 879-1765 Cal. 3 A-49
Ryan, Michael (202) 879-8322 F 1 Cal. 5/Backup F 2, Misdemeanor 203
Salerno, Robert A. (202) 879-3383 F 2 Cal. 8 216
Sanchez, Veronica M. 202-879-8393 Domestic Relations II Cal 5 JM-3
Scott, Ebony (202) 879-1447 Cal. 8 Cv 2 219
Seoane López, Kenia (202) 879-4343 Domestic Relations II Cal 1 104
Soltys, Darlene M., Presiding Judge, Family Court Division (202) 879-2080 Mental Health / Birth Certificate & Name Change Cal 1 100
Staples, Sean, Deputy Presiding Judge, Domestic Violence (202) 879-4771 Dom. Violence Crim. Cal. 1 117
Tunnage, Donald W. (202) 879-1881 Cal. 7 Cv 2 516
Wellner, Steven (202) 879-3390 Domestic Relations II Cal 3 JM-5
Williams, Yvonne M.; Deputy Presiding Judge, Civil Division (202) 879-4886 Cal. 3 Cv 1 131
Willoughby, Charles J. Juvenile/Adoptions/Break Seals/Relinquishments (Cal 3) JM-6
Wingo, Elizabeth Carroll, Presiding Judge, Domestic Violence (202) 879-3282 Dom. Violence - Crim. Cal 2 118
Name Phone Calendar Courtroom Bio
Abebe, Meti Neglect Calendar 7 JM-17
Acuña, Melanie Neglect Calendar Cal 1 JM-16
Albert, Janet (202) 879-0431 Mental Health Commission / Hope Court Calendar JM-1
Beatty-Arthur, Sherri 879-9979 Neglect Calendar 3/Family Treatment Court JM-8
Berkower, Risa DC Traffic Calendar 1 310
Beshouri, Joseph E. (202) 879-8343 Landlord and Tenant/ Small Claims/ Housing Conditions/ Debt Collection/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation* B-52/B-53/B-109/B119/205/214
Bouchet, Rahkel, Deputy Presiding Magistrate Judge (202) 879-9965 Citation Arraignments/Civil Backup 313-R
Breslow, Julie (202) 879-0423 Neglect and SIJS/DRB cases Cal. 5 99
Chandler, Cory M. 202-879-4793 Domestic Relations II Initial Hearings Cal. 3/Parentage and Support Cal. 3 JM-12
De Witt, Tyrona (202) 879-1169 D.C. Traffic Calendar 2 316
Glover, Eric Sebastian 202-879-1565 PHs/Arraign/DV C-10/119/120
Herrmann, Heide (202) 879-0425 PHs/Arraign/DV* C-10/119/120
Hildum, Robert PHs/Arraign/DV* C-10/119/120
Jackson Parker, Charmetra (202) 879-8375 Probate Cal. 5 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) A-46
Jones, Dorsey (202) 879-9962 Juvenile Initial Hearings / New Referrals Calendar / JBDP JM-15
Marblestein-Deare, Adriane R. Domestic Relations II Initial Hearings Cal 1/ Uncontested Divorces 103
Medley, Philip A. (202) 879-1194 Landlord and Tenant/ Backup L&T & SC Trials/Small Claims/Tax Sale Foreclosure (W)/Housing Conditions(T)/Debt Collection (M,T,Th,F)/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation (M,T,Th,F)/Mortgage Judgement(Th,F)* B-52/B-53/B-109/B- 119/205/214
Mulkey, Shelly A. (202) 879-4349 Parentage and Support Cal 1 JM-9
Nolan, Lloyd U., Presiding Magistrate Judge (202) 879-8343 Neglect / Fathering Court Cal 6 JM-11
Raymond, Renee (202) 879-0431 PHs/Arraign/DV/Citation Arraignments C-10/119/120
Richter, David Landlord and Tenant/ Backup L&T & SC Trials/Small Claims/Tax Sale Foreclosure (W)/Housing Conditions(T)/Debt Collection (M,T,Th,F)/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation (M,T,Th,F)/Mortgage Judgement(Th,F)* B-52/B-53/B-109/B-119/205/214
Rickard, Stephen Landlord and Tenant/ Small Claims/ Tax Sale Foreclosure/ Housing Conditions/ Debt Collection/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation B-52/B-53/B-109/B119/205/214
Trabal, Raquel 879-1979 Landlord and Tenant/ Backup L&T & SC Trials/Small Claims/Tax Sale Foreclosure (W)/Housing Conditions(T)/Debt Collection (M,T,Th,F)/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation (M,T,Th,F)/Mortgage Judgement(Th,F) A-45/B-52/B-53/B-109/B- 119/205/214
Trafford, Sherry (202) 879-8343 Landlord and Tenant/ Backup L&T & SC Trials/Small Claims/Tax Sale Foreclosure (W)/Housing Conditions(T)/Debt Collection (M,T,Th,F)/ Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation (M,T,Th,F)/Mortgage Judgement(Th,F)* A-45/B-52/B-53/B-109/B- 119/205/214
Vila, Jorge (202)879-9968 Parentage and Support Cal 2 JM-14
Wiedmann, Katherine M. 879-4851 Domestic Relations II Initial Hearings Cal 2 (Monday, Tuesday) Mental Habilitation Calendar (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) JM-4
Name Phone Calendar Courtroom Bio
Anderson, Jennifer 202-879-4858 Probate, DV, & Backup TBD
Bartnoff, Judith (202) 879-1988 Civil (A45), Criminal (Misdemeanor 3), & Backup TBD
Beck, Ronna L. (202) 879-1162 Criminal (Warrants) & Backup TBD
Broderick, Patricia A. (202) 879-8345 Criminal (Misdemeanor 3), DV, & Backup TBD
Bush, Zoe (202) 879-0023 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Campbell, John Civil (JIC), DV, & Backup TBD
Canan, Russell F. (202) 879-1952 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Christian, Kaye K. (202) 879-1668 Probate & Backup TBD
Clark, Jeanette (202) 879-0417 Probate & Backup TBD
Combs Greene, Natalia M. (202) 879-8350 Probate & Backup TBD
Cushenberry, Harold L., Jr. (202) 879-4866 Criminal (Warrants) & Backup TBD
Dixon, Herbert B., Jr. (202) 879-4808 Civil (JIC), DV, & Backup TBD
Epstein, Anthony C. (202) 879-7812 Misdemeanor and Warrant Duty Backup TBD
Fisher, Gerald I. (202) 879-8388 Criminal (Misdemeanor 3), DV, & Backup TBD
Greene, Henry F. (202) 879-1455 Probate & Backup TBD
Jackson, Gregory (202) 879-1815 Criminal (Misdemeanor 3) & Backup TBD
Josey-Herring, Anita Criminal (Misdemeanor 3) & Backup TBD
Krauthamer, Peter Criminal (Misdemeanor 3) & Backup TBD
Long, Cheryl M. (202) 879-1200 Probate, Backup TBD
Mitchell-Rankin, Zinora M. (202) 879-7846 Civil (JIC) & Backup TBD
Mize, Gregory (202) 879-0080 Civil (JIC) & Backup TBD
Morin, Robert E. (202) 879-1588 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Motley, Thomas J. (202) 879-8377 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Puig-Lugo, Hiram Civil (A45, JIC) & Backup TBD
Rankin, Michael L. (202) 879-1220 Civil (JIC) & Backup TBD
Richter, Robert I. (202) 879-1422 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Satterfield, Lee F. (202) 879-0780 Backup TBD
Smith, Judith Civil (A45, JIC), DV, & Backup TBD
Tignor, Robert S. (202) 879-4882 Civil (JIC) & Backup TBD
Weisberg, Frederick H. (202) 879-1066 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Winston, Rhonda Reid (202) 879-4750 Criminal (Misdemeanor 1) & Backup TBD
Wynn, Patricia A. (202) 879-4630 Backup TBD
Zeldon, Joan (202) 879-9473 Civil (A45, JIC) & Backup TBD