Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

juror FAQs

Am I expected to report each day that is listed on my summons?

You are expected to attend each day that you are scheduled for the entire length of your service. You will report each Monday through Friday, or Monday through Thursday, as stated on your summons. Grand jurors serving on a 4-day-per-week panel should report to their regular place of employment on any weekday they are not required to serve.

Are cell phones permitted? How about a laptop computer or tablet?

The U.S. Attorneys’ Office (USAO) allows grand jurors to take cell phones and other electronic devices such as small laptops, e-readers, tablets etc., into the lobby of the building, but they must be stored in lockers at the security desk. Jurors are allowed access to their devices during the lunch hour and scheduled breaks in the lobby area or outside the building.

At Moultrie Courthouse, cell phones are permitted while you wait, but not in the lounge. Laptops are permitted in all areas. WiFi access is available throughout the court building.

Are electronic devices permitted while serving as a grand juror?

The U.S. Attorneys’ Office (USAO) allows grand jurors to take cell phones and other electronic devices such as small laptops, e-readers, tablets etc., into the lobby of the building, but they must be stored in lockers at the security desk. Jurors are allowed access to their devices during the lunch hour and scheduled breaks in the lobby area or outside the building.

As a grand juror, am I expected to report each day for service?

Yes. You are expected to attend each day that you are scheduled for the entire length of your service. You will report each Monday through Friday, or Monday through Thursday, as stated on your summons. Grand jurors serving on a 4-day-per-week panel should report to their regular place of employment on any weekday they you are not required to serve.

Can I bring a Swiss army knife or similar type instrument into the Court building? How about a camera or recording equipment?

Upon entering the Courthouse, you will have to pass through security, which includes clearing a metal detector as well as an X-ray machine. Items such as Swiss Army Knives, pocketknives, scissors, metal craft needles, cameras, and recording equipment are not permitted in the Courthouse. Without exception, Court Security staff will confiscate these items. Weapons will not be returned.

Can I receive a jury summons by email?

Jurors can receive summons by postal mail and electronic summons (eSummons). The mailed summons always follows the eSummons. We send eSummons to prospective jurors if we have your email address in our records. The eSummons contains hyperlinks to eJuror Online Services at where you can complete the questionnaire. We also send automated notifications via email and text to remind you to complete the qualification form, of upcoming service, and reporting details one (1) business day before the report date.

Can I receive the $7 travel fee daily as a grand juror?

No; the $7 travel fee will be paid by debit card after you have served for one week. Your first payment will cover the first week of Grand Jury service only. This also applies if you are entitled to the $50 daily juror fee. Juror debit cards are reloaded weekly based on your attendance.

Do I have to report for the grand jury recall days?

Yes, you should report for grand jury recall days. On occasion, recall days are needed to clear up any unfinished business of your grand jury panel. When recall sessions are needed, your panel will be provided with as much advance notice as possible.

Do I need my child’s shot record?

The Department of Health requires that specific health forms be completed. The child’s shot record is helpful during a first visit to verify that your child has had certain shots. However, unless it is on the Department of Health form, you will need to have the required form completed by your child’s doctor before the child’s next visit. 

A current immunization record is required for each registered child.

Does the Court offer parking for jurors?

No; the Court does not offer or pay for parking for jurors. There are parking lots nearby, however the Court recommends using public transportation. The nearest Metro Station is Judiciary Square (Red Line).

How long does it take to register?

Please allow approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete the registration process.

How will I be paid during my service as a petit juror?

For petit jurors, payments will be disbursed via Visa debit cards. Activate your card after 5 p.m. on the first day of service at 1-800-341-6700. Payments for each day’s attendance will be loaded onto the debit cards after 5 p.m.

I am currently serving on a trial, but the judge has recessed proceedings for the day. Will I receive my usual juror fee and travel stipend for days the trial is not in session?

No. If the trial on which you are serving is recessed for an entire day for any reason and you are currently employed, you should report to work on that day. You will not be paid by the Court for days on which the trial is in recess.

I am not a United States citizen, but I have received a jury summons. Am I still required to serve?

No. Complete and return the juror questionnaire. Be sure to indicate that you are not a citizen of the United States. Do not report for service. You will be mailed a notice of confirmation not to report.

I can't serve on the summons date and want to serve at a later time. Can I select the new date, or will the Court choose a date for me?

The Superior Court's flexible deferral system allows you to select a date to serve that is up to 90 days away from the original date on your summons. The day of the week that you select must be the same day of the week on which you were originally summoned. For example, if your original summons date falls on a Tuesday, the deferral date you select must also be a Tuesday. Most trials last 3-5 days, so keep this in mind when choosing a date to begin your service.

I continue to receive jury summons at my address for an individual who no longer resides in the District of Columbia. I notified the Court of this situation previously. Why does the Court continue to send jury notices for this person?

In order to remove an individual's name from the master list of jurors because that person no longer resides in the District of Columbia, the Court requires the following information: the individual's name, the bar coded jury number (located in bold print on the face of the summons), and the current address, including street, unit number if applicable, city, state and zip code. You should contact the Juror Office to provide this information.

I deferred my jury service until a later date. Will I receive a new summons?

You will receive a reminder of your new reporting date, not a new summons. Your juror badge number will not change. You should keep the original summons and bring it with you on the new date. Your original summons contains the actual badge you will be required to wear during your service. When you report for service, the badge will be detached from the original summons and placed in a holder that you can attach to your clothing.

I deferred my service to a later date. Do I still need to mail in the juror qualification form?

Yes, you should complete and return the juror qualification form as soon as you receive it, even if you deferred your jury service to a later time. Complete the form online at, mail the completed form to us in the postage-paid summons packet, or fax it to us at 2028790012 [at] Returning your juror qualification form ahead of time will facilitate your check-in for jury service.

I deferred my service to a later time, but I never received a confirmation notice of the new date. Do I still need to report?

Yes; you are still expected to report. Although the Court will send you a reminder of your deferral date, it is your responsibility to report on the deferred date, whether or not confirmation of the deferral reaches you by mail. We recommend that once you arrange a deferral date with our staff, you write down that date as a reminder.

I had jury duty today, but the Court is closed due to inclement weather. Is there anything that I need to do?

No action is required. Your name will be returned to the general pool of jurors. While you won’t receive credit for serving today, you will not be summoned for service again for approximately two years.

I have a prior felony conviction. Am I required to serve as a petit juror?

If you have a prior felony conviction and it is has been one year since the completion of your jail term, probation, or parole, you can serve as a petit juror. You can serve as a juror if you have a misdemeanor conviction. You cannot serve as a juror if you have a pending criminal case. Please see D.C. Code Section 11-1906(b)(2)(B).

I have a prior felony conviction. Can I still serve as a grand juror?

If you have a prior felony conviction that is less than 10 years since the completion of your jail term, probation, or parole, you can serve as a grand juror. You can serve as a grand juror if you have a misdemeanor conviction. You cannot serve as a grand juror if you have a pending criminal case. Please see D.C. Code Section 11-1906(b)(2)(B). Contact grandjurorhelp [at] (grandjurorhelp[at]dcsc[dot]gov) if you have questions.

I have a problem serving beyond one day. What should I do?

Contact the jury staff via email at jurorhelp [at] (jurorhelp[at]dcsc[dot]gov) or via phone at (202) 879-4604 if you have a scheduling conflict that would prevent you from serving on a trial. Do not assume that you will be here for only one day; you may be selected for a trial that may last for more than one day. See Deferrals.

I have just received a summons, but I think that it has been less than two years since my last date of service. How can I find the last time that I served?

Log on to eJuror and select “Current Status” from the menu on the left. Your last date of service can be found under “Last Attended.”

I have received a jury summons, but I am an active member of the United States military. Am I still required to serve?

If you are currently deployed or about to be deployed out of the District or out of the country, you can be excused from service. Please contact us by telephone at (202) 879-4604, by eFax at 2028790012 [at], or by email at JurorHelp [at] (JurorHelp[at]dcsc[dot]gov) for assistance.

I hit the “Back” button to return to the previous page and the system says the “Webpage has expired”.

Hit the “Refresh” button on the toolbar to reload the page. To avoid this error, use the “back” and “next” buttons at the bottom of the eJuror page; do not use the browser back and forward buttons. You may need to exit your browser completely, wait 3-5 minutes, and log on again.

I need proof of my jury service. How can I obtain a statement that lists my day(s) of service?

Log on to eJuror and select “Attendance Letter” from the menu on the left. You may print a copy for your records.

I no longer live in the District of Columbia. When I attempt to enter my current address on the questionnaire, eJuror will not allow me to enter my new address. The system says “You have entered and out-of-state zip code”.

The Personal Information page reflects where the summons was mailed and will allow changes of address within the District of Columbia only. To enter an out-of-state address, proceed on to the questionnaire. The “Resident” page and the “Current Address” page will allow you to indicate that you no longer live in DC and to enter your non-DC address. You will then receive a formal notice of disqualification from service.

I received a summons for jury duty in the Superior Court, but I've misplaced it. What should I do?

If you've misplaced your jury summons and are unsure of your reporting date, email Jurorhelp [at] (Jurorhelp[at]dcsc[dot]gov) or call the Juror Office at 202-879-4604. The Juror Office staff can provide you with your juror badge number, the date you are expected to report, and your reporting time and location.

I recently moved out of the District, but I haven't had a chance to turn in my driver's license or voter registration card. Am I still required to serve?

No. Please log onto eJuror to update your address and upload supporting documentation (i.e., utility bill or lease) or you may email proof to Jurorhelp [at]

I tried to log on to eJuror more than once and the system has shut me out. It now says “You have unsuccessfully attempted to log on too many times. Please contact the Court”.

Exit your browser completely. The eJuror system will allow you to log back on in approximately 3-5 minutes.

I'm a contract worker for the government. How will I get paid?

If you are selected for a trial, you must provide written proof that you are a contracted worker in order to receive the full jury fee during your service. We recommend that contract workers for government agencies bring this documentation when they report for service. Documentation should be typewritten on official letterhead, and signed by the contractor or your immediate supervisor. For faster processing, please include your bar-coded jury number on the document.

I'm at least 70 years old and I really don't want to serve. May I be excused?

Yes. A prospective juror who is 70 years of age or older may be excluded from jury service upon request; proof of age is required.

If I have a previously scheduled doctor’s appointment, vacation, or business trip during my term of grand jury service, can I be excused?

Please advise your foreperson as soon as possible of your need to be excused from sessions so that the Court can adequately plan for your absence. Your foreperson will then refer your request to the Grand Jury Specialist for approval. Approval of requests to be excused from grand jury sessions will be based on the number of jurors present to transact business in your absence. Last-minute requests to be excused must be supported by written documentation of medical appointments, travel plans, etc.

If there is an emergency evacuation of the Court building, how will I know what to do?

If an emergency necessitates evacuation of the building, Court staff will be on hand to guide jurors safely out of the building. Additionally, jurors are provided with detailed emergency evacuation procedures upon check-in. Be sure to read these procedures carefully and keep them handy during your service.

Is Wi-Fi Internet access available? How do I connect?

Yes, there are Wi-Fi access points in the Juror Lounge, the Juror Business Center, as well as in the cafeteria on the C Level. To connect using your Wi-Fi-enabled laptop, open your web browser and you will be directed to the Courts’ Wi-Fi login page. You will need to select “I agree” on the Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions of Use/Terms of Service (TOS) page. You will then be able to browse the Internet at no cost.

Is Wi-Fi Internet access available? How do I connect?

Yes, there are Wi-Fi access points in the Juror Lounge, the Juror Business Center, as well as in the cafeteria on the C Level. To connect using your Wi-Fi-enabled laptop, open your web browser and you will be directed to the Courts’ Wi-Fi login page. You will need to select “I agree” on the Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions of Use/Terms of Service (TOS) page. You will then be able to browse the Internet at no cost.

I’ve missed my summons/deferral date. What should I do?

If you've missed your summons or deferral date, please contact the Juror Office at 202-879-4604. Failure to report for jury service as directed places you in failure to appear status (FTA) status and must be resolved quickly to avoid a possible hearing to show cause for not appearing for jury service. Jurors must speak directly with a jury staff member to obtain a new date to serve. You will not be able to access eJuror or the Automated Deferral Line while in FTA status.

My job pays my normal salary, but it is my day off. Will I receive the $50 jury fee?

You must provide written proof from your employer that it is your day off from work to receive the jury fee. The statement you provide should be typewritten on official letterhead from your employer and signed by your immediate supervisor, human resources director, or payroll manager. Requests for payment for each of your days off will be processed upon the completion of your grand jury service.

What if I am selected for a trial and then experience an emergency that prevents me from coming to the courthouse?

Telephone the Juror Office at 202-879-4604. Deaf jurors should call 202-879-1492 via Video Relay Service (VRS) to report an unforeseeable emergency. Our staff will connect you to the appropriate judge’s chambers.

What if I have an a.m., or morning, appointment and arrive for the afternoon session?

Grand jurors reporting for sessions after 12 noon will not receive credit or payment for service unless they received specific instructions to report for sessions after the lunch hour.

What if I lose my debit card?

If you misplace your debit card, you should contact 1-800-341-6700 for a replacement.

What should I wear?

Please see the Courts' Public Code of Conduct for guidance on how you should dress for jury service:

What time is lunch?

Generally, your lunch hour will be from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. each day. However, the judge will confirm the lunch time if you are in a courtroom.

What time will I be excused each day?

Expect to be in session each day until 5 p.m.

Where can I get proof of my service to take to my employer?

Jurors may obtain proof of service by visiting eJuror Online Services at Log in and click on "Attendance Letter."

Where can I store my personal belongings?

Lockers are available in the 4th floor Juror Lounge (Room 4300) for your convenience. The lockers cost $.50 per one-time use.

Who is eligible to receive the $50 daily juror fee?

You are entitled to receive the $50 daily juror fee if you are unemployed, self-employed, retired, or if your employer will not pay your normal salary during your jury service.

Why am I required to indicate my racial background on the juror qualification form?

Exclusion from jury service on account of race is prohibited by law. By collecting and maintaining statistics on jurors' racial identity, the Court can effectively monitor and enforce nondiscrimination in the selection of jurors. This question has absolutely no bearing on qualification for jury service.

Why am I required to put my social security number on the juror qualification form?

This information is used solely to identify and remove duplicates on the master list of prospective jurors and to produce IRS Form 1099s for jurors who earn more than $600 in juror attendance fees.

Will I report to the Moultrie Courthouse each day for grand jury service?

No. After your enrollment and swearing in at the Moultrie Courthouse, your grand jury panel will be provided with reporting instructions to meet at the U.S. Attorneys’ Office for the remainder of your service.