Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs


The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts. These decisions are published in print and on the DCCA website. They are binding precedent, which means they can be cited as supporting authority in other cases.


The court issues a Memorandum Opinion and Judgment (MOJ) in cases where the decision does not create new law, decide an issue of continuing public interest, or interpret a statute or concept that has yet to be reviewed. The decisions are issued by the panel (per curiam), not under the name of an individual judge. They are not published, and except as permitted by Appellate Rule 28(g), they may not be cited as supporting authority in other cases. For that reason, the court only lists online the names and case numbers of MOJs that have been issued. If a party or other interested person believes that a specific MOJ should be published, the party or interested person may file a motion to publish no later than 30 days after the MOJ issues.

Appeal Number Case Date Disposition Judge
07-CF-426 Seward v. US Jan 07, 2009 Affirmed Boasberg
06-CF-137 Demetrius Sims v. US Dec 31, 2008
04-FS-1625 In re D.B. Dec 31, 2008 Affirmed Byrd
08-AA-1513 Robert Kabel v. DC BEE. Dec 31, 2008
05-CV-778+ Kathie Byrd, et al. v. VOCA Corporation of DC Dec 31, 2008
05-CF-739 Webb v. US Dec 30, 2008 Affirmed E. Christian
07-AA-1064 Wordsworth v. M&T Dec 29, 2008 Affirmed
07-AA-1112 Lewis v. Fannie Mae Dec 23, 2008 Affirmed
06-BG-893 In re Bruce Pelkey. Dec 23, 2008
07-AA-374 Grand Hyatt Washington v. DC DOES. Dec 23, 2008
07-FS-252 In re J.C. Dec 23, 2008 Affirmed McKenna
02-CF-175+ Angela O'Brien v. US Dec 23, 2008
06-AA-1169 Herndon v. Farishian Dec 22, 2008 Affirmed
06-CV-1430 Campbell v. Noble. Dec 18, 2008
06-CV-234 Peter Choharis v. State Farm. Dec 18, 2008
07-CV-407 James White v. DC WASA. Dec 18, 2008
02-CF-1250 Eugene Roberson v. US Dec 18, 2008
07-CV-1300 Biratu v. BT Vermont Avenue LLC. Dec 18, 2008
07-CV-872 Pearson v. Chung, et al. Dec 18, 2008
08-CO-178 Mozon v. US Dec 17, 2008 Affirmed Clark
07-CF-963 Proctor v. US Dec 17, 2008 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
07-AA-1318 Hunter v. Witcoff Dec 16, 2008 Affirmed
07-CV-64 Sobin v. Sobin Dec 16, 2008 Affirmed Retchin
05-CF-501, 05-CF-684 Simmons, Garnett Dec 16, 2008 Affirmed E. Christian
07-AA-852 Dudley+ v. DC DOES Dec 16, 2008 Affirmed
07-AA-912 Howard v. DC DOES Dec 16, 2008 Affirmed
07-CV-387 WMATA v. Bnoden Dec 15, 2008 Affirmed Alprin
07-AA-826 Anthony Thomas v. NCC Inc. Dec 11, 2008
06-AA-262 S&H Consulting v Reed Dec 11, 2008 Affirmed Yahner
07-CV-582 Malik corp. v. Tenacity Group. Dec 11, 2008
06-CV-1414 Chone v. Verizon Dec 09, 2008 Affirmed Retchin
04-CF-958+ Barnett v. US Dec 09, 2008 Affirmed Fisher
07-FS-770 In re D.P. Dec 09, 2008 VA/AF in part Broderick
07-CM-1001 Whitley v. US Dec 09, 2008 Affirmed Wynn
07-CV-475 Judith v. Magnolia Dec 08, 2008 Affirmed Ross
07-BG-1014+ In re Robert Hill. Dec 04, 2008
08-BG-1205 In re David Payne. Dec 04, 2008
08-BG-1160 In re Barry Downey. Dec 04, 2008
07-CO-1213+ Young v. US Dec 04, 2008 Affirmed Greene
06-CV-1071+ Washington Teachers' Union Local No. 6 v. DC Public Schools, et al. Dec 04, 2008
08-BG-1161 In re Marshall Rosenberg. Dec 04, 2008
05-CF-298+ Aka v. US Dec 03, 2008 Affirmed Motley
06-CM-1502 Harrison v. US Dec 03, 2008 Affirmed Milliken
06-PR-980 In re Borum Dec 03, 2008 Affirmed Burgess
06-CF-1434, 06-CF-1442 Brand and Parrish v. US Dec 03, 2008 Affirmed Puig-Lugo
05-CF-1254 Davis v. US Dec 02, 2008 Affirmed Puig-Lugo
99-CF-1204 Facon v. US Dec 01, 2008 Affirmed Greene
07-CV-551 Adolph Coors Co v. Truck Insurance Exchange. Nov 26, 2008
08-BG-1163 In re Lisa Gerideau. Nov 26, 2008
07-CO-270+ Richardson v. US Nov 26, 2008 Affirmed R. Diaz