Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs


The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts. These decisions are published in print and on the DCCA website. They are binding precedent, which means they can be cited as supporting authority in other cases.


The court issues a Memorandum Opinion and Judgment (MOJ) in cases where the decision does not create new law, decide an issue of continuing public interest, or interpret a statute or concept that has yet to be reviewed. The decisions are issued by the panel (per curiam), not under the name of an individual judge. They are not published, and except as permitted by Appellate Rule 28(g), they may not be cited as supporting authority in other cases. For that reason, the court only lists online the names and case numbers of MOJs that have been issued. If a party or other interested person believes that a specific MOJ should be published, the party or interested person may file a motion to publish no later than 30 days after the MOJ issues.

Appeal Number Case Date Disposition Judge
06-AA-1361 Dunn v. HSC Jul 09, 2008 Affirmed
05-CF-566 Jones v. US Jul 09, 2008 Affirmed Retchin
06-CF-909 Wade v. US Jul 08, 2008 Affirmed Leibovitz
06-AA-1441 Watson v. Army Dstff Jul 08, 2008 Affirmed
03-CF-1533 Stevens v. US Jul 08, 2008 Affirmed Richter
06-CV-1280 Fischer v. Harab Law Jul 08, 2008 Affirmed Terrell
06-FM-1078 Squires v. Plummer Jul 03, 2008 Affirmed Motley
07-CV-316 Goins v. DC Jul 03, 2008 Affirmed Fisher
04-CV-1093+ Estenos v. PAHO/WHO FCU. Jul 03, 2008
07-BG-885 In re Fritz H. Schneider. Jul 03, 2008
07-CO-595 Bell v. US Jul 03, 2008 Affirmed Richter
01-CF-1145 (order) Novel Hinton v. US, decided 7/3/08, vacated 12/15/08, argued en banc 4/29/09. Jul 03, 2008
04-FM-579 Murphy v. Okeke. Jul 03, 2008
07-CV-40 Clark v. Route. Jul 03, 2008
06-TX-1114+ Stuart v. DC Jul 03, 2008 Affirmed in part/Vacated in part Lopez and Burgess
06-CF-606 Starke v. US Jul 03, 2008 Affirmed Iscoe
01-CV-1371 St. James Mutual Homes v. Andrade. Jul 03, 2008
06-FS-590 In re K.P. Jul 03, 2008
07-CM-344 Struthers v. US Jul 01, 2008 Affirmed Richter
07-AA-860 Munson v. DC DOES Jul 01, 2008 Affirmed
07-CM-602 Pryor v. US Jul 01, 2008 Affirmed Beaudin
06-AA-127 Washington Halfway House v. Wright Jul 01, 2008 Affirmed
06-AA-830 Hutt v. Riverside Jul 01, 2008 Affirmed
07-BG-131 In re Frank Feigenbaum, amended. Jun 26, 2008
04-CV-1482 DC MPD v. Winfred Stanley. Jun 26, 2008
05-CM-972 Maanda v. US Jun 26, 2008 AF/RM G. Jackson
06-CF-1565 Baxter v. US Jun 24, 2008 Affirmed Leibovitz
05-CF-1309 Daughtry v. US Jun 24, 2008 Affirmed Bayly
05-CM-389 Feazell v. US Jun 23, 2008 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
07-CV-518 Bailey Estate v. DC Jun 23, 2008 Affirmed Ross
07-AA-102 Merriweather v. DOES Jun 19, 2008 Affirmed
04-CV-1322 CB Richard Ellis Real Estate Services, Inc. v. Christian J. Spitz. Jun 19, 2008
06-FS-1202 In re A.R. Jun 19, 2008
02-AA-670 Fran Hisler v. DC DOES. Jun 19, 2008
05-PR-263+ In re Loraine Boley Ingersoll Trust. Jun 19, 2008
07-AA-297 Ruth Berkley v. DC Transit. Jun 19, 2008
04-CF-1015 Marcus Graham v. US Jun 19, 2008
06-CO-1139 Phillip Holloway v. US Jun 19, 2008
07-CM-507 Day v. US Jun 18, 2008 Affirmed Lopez
07-CV-647 Ramey v. PEPCO Jun 18, 2008 Affirmed Anderson
06-CM-1269 Cruz v. US Jun 18, 2008 Affirmed Bartnoff
06-CF-804 Mitchell v. US Jun 17, 2008 Affirmed Gardner
07-AA-5 Neal v. DC DOES Jun 17, 2008 Affirmed
06-CM-1410 Carter v. US Jun 17, 2008 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
01-CF-1131 Thomas Bell v. US Jun 12, 2008
07-BG-321 In re J. Coury MacDonald. Jun 12, 2008
05-AA-1125 Worrell v. US DofN Jun 12, 2008 Affirmed
06-AA-523 Madam's Organ v. DC ABC Board. Jun 12, 2008
06-CV-1198 William L. Kauffman v. IBT. Jun 12, 2008
06-CF-779+ Pineda/Molina v. US Jun 12, 2008 AF/RM Puig-Lugo