Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs


The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts. These decisions are published in print and on the DCCA website. They are binding precedent, which means they can be cited as supporting authority in other cases.


The court issues a Memorandum Opinion and Judgment (MOJ) in cases where the decision does not create new law, decide an issue of continuing public interest, or interpret a statute or concept that has yet to be reviewed. The decisions are issued by the panel (per curiam), not under the name of an individual judge. They are not published, and except as permitted by Appellate Rule 28(g), they may not be cited as supporting authority in other cases. For that reason, the court only lists online the names and case numbers of MOJs that have been issued. If a party or other interested person believes that a specific MOJ should be published, the party or interested person may file a motion to publish no later than 30 days after the MOJ issues.

Appeal Number Case Date Disposition Judge
03-CF-1351 Richardson v. US Dec 04, 2006 Affirmed R. Diaz
05-CV-1375 Kazemi v. Debosky Dec 04, 2006 Affirmed Wright
05-CM-969 Pollard v. US Dec 04, 2006 Affirmed W. Jackson
05-CO-1299 Liles v. US Dec 04, 2006 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
05-CO-1015 Evans v. US Dec 04, 2006 Affirmed Turner
04-CM-1303 Bass v. US Dec 01, 2006 Affirmed Clark
05-AA-409 Hilliard v. ADECCO USA Inc., order issued 11/28/06 vacating opinion and judgment issued 4/27/06. Nov 30, 2006
03-CF-1556+ Germany v. US Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Retchin
03-CF-1102 Anderson v. US Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Bayly
05-BG-885 In re E. A. Slavin. Nov 30, 2006
06-CV-88 Mangiapane v. Squire etc Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Weisberg
04-CM-1637 Perkins v. US Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Keary
04-CV-1122 Giles v. Crawford Edgewood Trenton Terrace. Nov 30, 2006
99-CF-1295+ Lindsey and Gayles v. US. Nov 30, 2006
05-CV-1414 Anderson v GSECH Crp Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Broderick
04-CF-855 Davis v. US Nov 30, 2006 Affirmed Gardner
05-CM-866 Little v. US Nov 28, 2006 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
04-CF-1167 Denson v. US Nov 28, 2006 Affirmed Broderick
05-AA-365 Darden v. DC DOES. Nov 22, 2006
06-CV-686 Brizill v. DC BEE. Nov 22, 2006
05-BG-314 In re C. James. Nov 22, 2006
05-AA-1218 Hard Rock Cafe v. DC DOES. Nov 22, 2006
05-CV-1085 Lumpkins v. CSL Locksmith. Nov 22, 2006
00-CO-421+ Carter v. US Nov 21, 2006 Affirmed Rankin
05-CF-661 Hollingsworth v. US Nov 16, 2006 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
05-AA-349 Scott v. DTL Inc. Nov 16, 2006 Affirmed
06-BG-551 In re T. Mooers. Nov 16, 2006
02-CF-655 Berroa v. US Nov 16, 2006 Affirmed Gardner
99-CF-693+ McNeil+ v. US Nov 16, 2006 AF/RM Milliken/Mott
04-CF-199 Bullock v. US Nov 15, 2006 Affirmed Ross
05-FS-841 In re K.K. Nov 14, 2006 Affirmed Mott
06-CV-308 Lee v. State Comp Nov 09, 2006 Affirmed Blackburne-Rigsby
05-CF-293 Fielding v. US Nov 09, 2006 Affirmed Cushenberry
03-CV-1297 Behradrezaee v. Dashtara. Nov 09, 2006
05-BG-484 In re S. Goldman. Nov 09, 2006
04-FS-1046+ In re Petition of A.T.A. Nov 09, 2006
05-CF-16 Headspeath v. US. Nov 09, 2006
05-CM-917 Appel v. US Nov 09, 2006 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
05-CM-838 Armstrong v. US Nov 09, 2006 Affirmed J.R. Johnson
02-BG-1350 & 04-BG-73 In re H. Greenspan and In re L. D. Silverman. Nov 09, 2006
00-CV-1382 Bettis v. Whitehead Nov 09, 2006 Affirmed Bartnoff
98-CF-1088+ Long v. US. Nov 09, 2006
05-FM-1370 Lee v. Lee Nov 08, 2006 Affirmed Ryan
01-CV-860 DC v. NPR, et al. Nov 08, 2006 Affirmed Braman
05-AA-728 McMillan v. DC DOES Nov 08, 2006 Affirmed
03-CT-371+ McRae v. DC Nov 07, 2006 Affirmed Hess
04-FM-1195 Beraki v. Hune Nov 07, 2006 Affirmed Reid-Winston
05-CO-1227 Holt v. US Nov 07, 2006 Affirmed Mitchell-Rankin
05-CM-502 Hernandez v. US Nov 07, 2006 Affirmed Ross
05-CM-993 Ramos v. US Nov 07, 2006 Affirmed Bartnoff