Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Is there a community mental health center located in the District of Columbia?

You can contact the DC Department of Mental Health’s intake center at:
DC Department of Mental Health Mental Health Services Division 35 K Street NE Washington, DC 20001 202-442-4202
You may also call the District of Columbia’s 24-hour Mental Health Hotline: 1-888-7WE HELP or 1-888-793-4357
The Department of Mental Health may be able to help an individual with continuing support after they have been released from a mental health facility.

How should I begin the process of getting help for a person needing mental health support?

If a loved one or someone you live with needs help for a mental health problem, the person may go or be taken to a community mental health center. A doctor will examine the individual and determine if the person appears mentally ill and dangerous to self and/or others. The doctor will decide whether emergency hospitalization is needed.

Is there an alternative if I have been unable to get the mentally ill person to a doctor for an examination or treatment?

If you have been unsuccessful in getting a mentally ill person to a doctor for examination and treatment and you are a parent, spouse, or legal guardian of that person, you may file a petition to commit in the Central Intake Center (Moultrie Courthouse, room JM-540) of the DC Superior Court’s Family Court, 500 Indiana Ave., NW 20001, (202) 879-1212.

What if the person needing mental health support agrees to seek help?

An individual may voluntarily admit him- or herself to a mental health facility for treatment. To be admitted to a private hospital, the person must have insurance or evidence of ability to pay. The public (i.e., no cost) mental health hospital in the District of Columbia is:
St. Elizabeths Hospital 1100 Alabama Ave., SE Washington, DC 20032 (202) 562-4000
An individual must be evaluated by a doctor who will determine if the person should be admitted. To set up an appointment for evaluation call (202) 673-9319.

Is there some other place to receive additional assistance for a person needing mental health support?

After a person has been released from a mental health facility, the individual may need continuing support. Contact your local community mental health center for more information. If you are looking for information on mental illnesses, you may contact: National Institute of Mental Health Public Inquiry 15C17 6001 Executive Boulevard Room 8184, MSC 9663 Bethesda, MD 20892-9663, phone 301-443-4513.

What should I do in an emergency situation regarding a person needing mental health support?

In the event there is an immediate emergency, and the mentally ill person is refusing to go to a community mental health center, you can call the Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP) at 202-673-9319, which is open 24 hours a day. CPEP is located at the South Community Mental Health Center, 1905 E St., SE, Washington, DC.

What happens if the doctor at the community mental health center determines the person may have a mental illness?

If the doctor determines that the person is mentally ill and needs be hospitalized, the person may be transported to St. Elizabeths Hospital. At St. Elizabeths Hospital, a psychiatrist will examine them and review the community mental health center's request for hospitalization. If the doctor at St. Elizabeths Hospital determines that the person has symptoms of a mental illness and is likely to injure himself or herself and/or others, the individual will be involuntarily hospitalized for a period set by the DC Law.