Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Today’s Superior Court Cases
For All Hearings: Read your court notice carefully to see whether your hearing is in-person, remote, or hybrid, and whether the judge will be on the courtroom. Learn more about the different hearing types here.

For In-Person Hearings: Most courtrooms are in the Moultrie Courthouse, but cases are also heard in Building A or Building B. In those instances, the courtroom will be preceded by a letter indicating the building (e.g. B-53 is courtroom 53 in Building B; A-46 is courtroom 46 in Building A).

If you appear in-person for a remote hearing, you can participate at the courthouse.
Superior Court Cases as of
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MULLIKEN, TERENCE 2024-DRB-002633 09:30 AM JM-3
MYERS, CHAUNCEY 2024-CF3-009257 10:30 AM 215
NEALE, MARQUELL 2024-CF2-003831 09:30 AM 215
NEWELL, ALBERT 2018-DRB-002129 02:00 PM 102
NJINWOUA, CATHY 2024-DRB-003435 11:00 AM JM-12
Oji Fit World LLC 2021-CA-001259-B 10:30 AM 219
Oji, Amaka 2021-CA-001259-B 10:30 AM 219
OVERTON, MIKIA 2024-DVM-001039 02:00 PM 115
PAGE, RAFIEL ERIC 2022-CMD-004523 03:00 PM 218
PAGE, RAFIEL ERIC 2022-CMD-005401 03:00 PM 218
PAGE, RAFIEL ERIC 2024-CMD-008676 03:00 PM 218
PAGE, RAFIEL ERIC 2024-CMD-008677 03:00 PM 218
PARADA, MELANIE 2023-CTF-005064 09:30 AM 316
PARADA, MELANIE 2023-CTF-005064 09:30 AM 316
PARKER, ANTHONY D 2007-CF1-029003 12:00 PM 301
PARKER, CHRISTOPHER 2023-CF2-005778 11:00 AM 220
PARKER, CHRISTOPHER 2023-CF2-005778 11:00 PM 220
PAYNE, JOSEPH 2024-CMD-003072 10:40 AM 115
PAYNE, TYRONE 2024-DRB-003474 12:00 PM JM-12
PENN, TRISTAN 2024-CF3-013232 10:00 AM 215
PERAZA, JESUS 2024-CF3-010018 09:30 AM 317
PERRY, KANISHA 2023-CF3-001464 12:00 PM 317
PERRY, MONICA 2025-CF2-000343 01:00 PM C-10
PETERSEN, MYESHA 2024-BCN-000364 11:00 AM JM-12