Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Status Offender


If a youth, ages 14-18, has missed 15 days or more, his/her case can be referred to the Court for petitioning consideration by the Office of the DC Attorney General. Concerned parents or guardians should go to the youth’s school and obtain attendance records and any supporting documents that show the school’s efforts in accordance with the District of Columbia Municipal Regulation - DCMR to abate the Truancy. This includes, but is not limited to: Robo calls, letters forwarded to the home, parent/teacher conferences, facilitation of a Student Support Team - SST Meeting a referral to a diversion program and/or, any efforts parents/guardians have made to address the matter, such as contacting community agencies for assistance. This information is attached when the case is referred to the OAG for consideration of petitioning.

Approximately 97% of all truancy cases are submitted through a referral from:

The remaining referrals are communicated by adult individuals identifying youth frequently away from his/her school during school attendance hours:

If a child has missed 15 days of school or more, the school should have contacted the parent(s) or guardian and offered supportive services prior to making the truancy referral to the Court.

Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS)

For a complaint to be filed as a habitual runaway or Person in Need of Supervision (PINS), the parent must have at least three documented missing person’s reports. Parents and guardians can report to the Family Court Social Services Division, at 920 Rhode Island Avenue, NE, Washington DC, to be interviewed by a juvenile probation officer who specializes in PINS and truancy cases. The Status Offender Office phone number is 202-508-0541 or 202-508-0543.

Family Court Social Services Division

Moultrie Courthouse
JM-600, 500 Indiana Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

General Information

Get Directions
Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Telephone Numbers

Interim Director: Tamira Roberson
202-508-1900 tamira.roberson [at] (tamira[dot]roberson[at]dcsc[dot]gov)

Deputy Director: Camille Tucker
202-508-1900 camille.tucker [at] (camille[dot]tucker[at]dcsc[dot]gov)

Assistant Deputy Director, Intake & Delinquency
Prevention (Acting):
Ronald Williams

Assistant Deputy Director Region I, Pre and
Post Supervision:
Vonda Frayer

Assistant Deputy Director Region II, Pre and
Post Supervision:
Robert Bacon

Chief Psychologist Child Guidance Clinic:
Dr. Katara Watkins-Laws